Russian Alphabet Lesson Made Easy (in order)

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Russian Alphabet

А = A (ah)
Б = b (be)
В = V (ve)
Г = G (ge) looks like a ‘r’ in English. Let us imagine it’s a Gun. 🔫 or alpha α beta β Gamma γ

Д = D (de) looks like a D in cursive. And it looks like the Dome of a house. Дом = home, house 🏚 Plus most people know this word ‘Да’ = yes.
Е = Е (yē)
Ё = yõ
Ж = Zh (zhe)

З = Z (ze) cursive handwriting ‘z’ 😬
И = e (ee)
Й = ēkrãtkõyē (и краткая)
К = K (kah)

Л = L (el) looks like L in cursive letter
М = M (em)
Н = N (en) handwritten letter looks like ‘n’
О = O (õ)

П = P (pe) looks like Pi (π) 3.14
Р = R (er) I’m a Pussy cat, hear me RoaRrrrr
С = S (es) ssss it’s a Curled up Snake 🐍
Т = T (te)

У = U (oo) as in ‘You’
Ф = F (ef)
Х = (xaf) make a ‘K’ sound & exhale (like ‘j’ in junta) 😲
Ц = Ts (tse) as in beTS!

Ч = Ch (che) looks like an upside down CHair 🪑
Ш = shah (s in sugar) 🤫
Щ = shch (as in freSH CHeese) 😁🧀
Ъ = hard sign (твёрдый знак – tvjórdɨj znak) has no pronunciation

Ы = ī (close to ill)
Ь = soft sign (мягкий знак – mjákhjkjɪj znak) has no pronunciation
Э = E (eh) e in bEt
Ю = U (yoo)
Я = Ya (yah) 🥱

If it’s still difficult to learn these letters in alphabetical order, there’s another easy way to learn the pronunciations. Follow this link.

Author: Catherine Washington

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